Replying to @kwpublicschools
by Union soldiers. Just the same as other holidays defined in Minnesota Statute Chapter 5 - MN Laws, no public business can be conducted on this day. This means districts cannot hold classes or programs, school board meetings, athletic practices and competitions.
Governor Walz has signed legislation that establishes Juneteenth as a State holiday effective immediately. Juneteenth recognizes the pronouncement of the abolition of slavery on June 19, 1865, when the Emancipation Proclamation was said to have been first publicly read in Texas.
Thank you @KWPrincipalRyan for all that you do!
Minnesota Department of Education
Blue lockers. School Principals Day Minnesota Department of Education.
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Today is School Principals Day! School principals do important work for the betterment of schools from elementary to high school. Thank you, Minnesota principals, for your leadership!